Synchronous Fireflies - Nature's Mystery

A Light Show That Baffles Scientists

Source:  Great Smoky Mountains National

Inspiration from Nature
It's one of the most enchanting mysteries of nature and science.  There is a species of fireflies in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee that blink their lights in unison.  They're called Synchronous fireflies.  And they are the only firefly species in the US that puts on their special light show in sync.

Scientific Mystery
The phenomenon baffles scientists.  These Synchronous fireflies exist in only a few places around the world.  In the Great Smoky Mountains, they light up in sync from mid May through mid June.  How they do so and why they light-up in unison for just a month have not been determined.  Thousands of them light up at the same moment for ten seconds, go dark for a minute and then light up the forest again.

Firefly Inspiration
Thousands of eco-tourists flocked to remote areas of the Great Smoky Mountains this past summer to see this beautiful natural phenomenon.  And, as so much new technology is bio-inspired, you have to wonder what new innovation this light show might inspire. Finally, I've just published an adventure fiction book for children "How Dare You" that features a firefly highway in a magical forest, lighting the way for a young cross country runner's life changing adventures.  For a free Kindle borrow, go to


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